Ricky Kresslein

Leaving The Country


By the time this blog post goes up I will be in Australia. It will be my first time to leave Fiji since arriving two years ago and it is kind of scary. I am the only person left from my Peace Corps group, Group 91, that has not yet left. In fact, the majority of my group has completed their service and returned to America.

When I cam to Peace Corps I knew I would not go home to visit during my two years. I wanted to tough out the whole length of service without a break. I'm always surprised when people begin going home only eight to twelve months after arriving in country. Two years is not a long time in the grand scheme of life, so to spend thousands of dollars to take a short break seems crazy to me.

There are so many things the Western world has that I can no longer imagine. Fancy roads, stoplights, massive supermarkets, and conversations I can understand completely are going to freak me out. It has been so long since I have experienced any of those things.

I feel nervous to leave what has become my comfort zone. But that is one reason I need to leave. Life only improves when one is willing to escape comfort and do what scares them.

I will be vlogging my experience in Sydney. I am also going to make a Sydney travel video, which will be released in December.