Ricky Kresslein

Peace Corps Fiji Packing List


I remember trying to pack for Peace Corps and being unable to decipher the messages I received from country staff about exactly what it was we were supposed to wear during Pre-Service Training. "Pacific business attire? Pocketsulu? What are they talking about?" I asked myself. Hopefully this list will help clear up some of these questions and provide you with a comprehensive packing list for your Peace Corps service in Fiji.

Note: I am a bit of a minimalist. I was the only person in my group to bring one bag of the two fifty-pounders allowed. Still, I feel like I brought too much. This is a list of essentials that will get you through your service.

Pre-Service Training (PST)

This is where I felt most in the dark about packing and what we were supposed to wear.

Men: PST wear during training sessions is slacks or a pocket sulu (basically a skirt, you will only find this incountry for about FJD $20) with a bula shirt (flowery, "hawaiian" button down) or a polo. During hours spent with your host family you can wear shorts and a t-shirt or whatever you would like.

Women: Long skirt or dress that covers the shoulders. You can also wear a sleeveless dress, but will have to wear a light sweater or something over it to cover your shoulders. During your time in the village you can wear a sulu (Basically a piece of fabric that wraps around your waist and drapes to mid-calf/ankle) and a t-shirt. Peace Corps provides all volunteers with a sulu free of charge the day you land in Fiji.


Your actual service consists of the same dress as PST for most occasions, though in many settings you will be able to dress down a bit. This is especially true for men. Ninety percent of the day I am in gym shorts and shirtless. I put on a t-shirt when I leave my house. I wear a pocket sulu and bula shirt when I go to work or to an important function like a wedding, funeral, or meeting.

Packing List:

Like I said, I brought the least stuff of anyone in my group, and I still have a bag hanging in my house I call "The Bag of Things I Will Never Use". Don’t be me. Bring only the essentials. People here are also human beings and need the same things you do. Thus, things human beings need are sold in Fiji.